Under the umbrella of Irish Rural Link (IRL), the National Meals on Wheels Network was established in 2015. The overall aim of the network is to provide a local, community-led professional facility to assist people who require services to maintain optimum health, independence with strong life-extending possibilities.
Our vision is of a fully supported Meals on Wheels system providing community led services dedicated to meeting the nutritional and social needs of older and vulnerable people to enable them live independently.
Our Mission
The National Meals on Wheels Network, as the leading organisation, will provide funding opportunities, training, peer mentoring, research and advocacy support to empower local providers so they will provide nutritious meals, friendly visits, and safety checks that enable older and vulnerable people to live nourished lives with independence and dignity on an equitable basis all over Ireland.

The objectives of the National Meals on Wheels Network include;
- To advocate for a national standardised meals on wheels service, which provides a system all organisations can adhere to.
- To ensure members have adequate resources to deliver a professionally produced nutritious meal to their clients. To advise and advocate the Government and other agencies which influence the delivery of meals on wheels and ancillary services.
- To meet the future demands of network members by assisting in the development of their services.
- To develop the organisation in a manner that is inclusive and participatory to all meals on wheels organisations.
- To develop a voluntary professional meals-on-wheels service to a high standard and to create a template that will be recognised and given a quality national rating.